A multi asset class investment house with a range of investment strategies to help its investors achieve their investment objectives

Our unique model to develop a tailored investment strategy

When it comes to investment, each person’s circumstances are different so their objectives too. Each successful investment strategy starts with gathering data about your financial situation and needs, then our team of highly trained analysts work on finding most suitable opportunities for you. Based on those we can help you to make informed decisions. Then we execute your investment orders, and also monitor it to see how your portfolio is growing. We evaluate different variables and gathering data again to tweak the strategy until it will perfectly fit your goals. So at the end we are proud to offer our investors a broad range of options to suit their varied and often complex needs, through highly-differentiated investment strategies.

What are you interested in to invest?

Stock Market Funds

Offers investors exposure to the US, Europe and emerging markets among growth or value based stocks and helping them to create a well-balanced, risk managed portfolio to maximise their return.

Pre IPOs

Offers investment opportunities in early-stage and lower mid-market private companies over a long-term investment horizon for those who believe in the future of a company.

Crypto Currency

Offers investment opportunities in the world of Crypto currencies. During past few years crypto world has evolved rapidly and nowadays blockchain is used in different industries. If you believe in the future of blockchain, metaverse and web3, then you can get some exposure to it in this fund.

Property Market

Offers broad investment opportunities in residential as well as commercial properties in the UK and even offshore. If you believe land and real estates are one of the best investments in the world, then we have some great opportunities there.

Comparing our Different Funds

Real Estate Stock Market Private Equity Crypto Currency
Risk very low medium high high
Duration 2 years 2 years 5 to 10 years 2 years
Management fee 0 2% 2% 2%
Your profit Up to 8% of your capital 50% of earned profit 75% of earned profit 60% of earned profit
Your profit potential low medium high high
Performance fee (what we charge from profit) 0 50% 25% 40%
Investment Location UK US or EU US or UK Global
More details More details More details More details

* Your total investment should be at least 100,000 usd which can be invested in one or some of the above categories

Post Covid 19 Investment Strategy:

Inflation, unemployment, sustainability, demand increase, risks, government policies, new trends, Consumer’s behaviour With the ferocious spread of the new variant of Covid virus every often and central banks already talking about tighter monetary policy to bring inflation under control, there’s a sense of worry that financial markets have become too optimistic. In such a situation which economic growth looks unsustainable, investors need to have a second thought about how they should do their capital allocation. Government policies such as investment in renewable energies alongside the new trends which has been started after lock downs, plus new consumer behavior which shaped during lock down are just a few factors which will create the new demand for some sectors and industries in the future. Investors need to put all of these together before making their final investment decisions.

Reshape Your Future !

Explore how we can help you to achieve your goals and fulfil your objectives in a rapidly changing world.

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If you are interested in having a free consultation session, please fill in the form and one of our experts will be in touch to see how we can help you. Please give us as much as details you can in this form about you , your company, and your investment objectives.